Saturday, September 03, 2011

Macro Flowers Type Of Day.

I passed yesterday afternoon taking macro photos of flowers in the yard.

 See More Here

It helped keep me sane yesterday and my mind off things that have been stressing me out lately.

This afternoon I shall be heading to Pig Out At The Park (Yes, awful name for an event.) with my friend Maria. I will be eating some mediocre food, listening to many different types of music, enjoying the warm day, and doing a lot of people watching at this event. I will also try and take a few photos while there.

Summer has reached it's end and I can admit that I am very sad to see it go. I wish it would stay summer and I could get out and enjoy the sun for many more months. The sadness of being a California girl stuck in a colder climate.

I hope everyone else is enjoying the end of summer, or if in the southern hemisphere that you are experiencing warmer days. You southern hemisphere dwellers, I envy you your warming days!

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