Thursday, April 01, 2010

Again I Miss Out and Jonsi.

That Euro-style hoodie I drooled over yesterday? Sold out in 24 hours. So, I guess it was never meant to be though I did my usual thing of signing up for an alert if ever restocks it.

I am quickly learning that if I want something, really want something, I have to buy it when is see it or else it is sold out in my size or completely when I finally decide on wanting it or not. This is probably why I do so much impulse buying, because I know if I like it won't be available for long.

So, no Euro-style hoodie for me.

I was pleasantly surprised to find out Jonsi (of Sigur Ros) has released a solo album called "Go" and you can listen to the full album online. I have been listening to it over and over for the last day and 1/2. I highly recommend the album and if you want to hear a small taste of the style of music just give this song a listen:

So, happy, upbeat, and inspiring.

He is to play two concerts in Seattle this month but I cannot afford to go. I am really disappointed in that fact. I figure I will just wait until after I move and buy a ticket to see Sigur Ros when they end up touring again since they usually play in Seattle. However, I may buy his album when it is released this month.

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