Monday, November 17, 2008

NYE Dress Idea #3

I was wandering around Urban Outfitters and also saw this dress on my stylefeed:

Above: Lark & Wolff by Steven Alan Bow Party Dress

It is simple and elegant...and only $98.00. The bow is quite cool:

But I cannot help but think it's a bit TOO simple. Especially the back:

I like the length and the deepness of the just seems a bit bland to me. It also looks like it could be a bit "sack dress" like in fit and I am into more fitted dresses.

I know I could fancy it up with accessories but, I don't know. It just doesn't have the "upmh" I want for my NYE dress.

Input please!


Anonymous said...

Tres chic. I think this is my favorite so far!

SnapandPrint said...

Thta's funny becaus eit is my elast favorite.

It's like me about 10 years ago...and I am no longer that person.

My favorite is the first NYE Dress Idea actually.

Anonymous said...

I like the colors on that one. I think however the shoes the model is wearing is putting me off a bit.